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Accessorising your wine pump - getting the most out of your pump

Are you gearing up for a busy vintage season? If so, you understand how critical your wine or must pump is. Besides the pump itself, a range of accessories can make the pumping and transfer process that much easier.


If you are considering a new wine pumping system, or are looking for new accessories, check out some of Global Pumps’ top wine pump accessories:


Variable speed drives (VSDs)

Variable speed driveVSDs are used to vary the pump speed according to the demand. It allows operators to control the energy consumption and ensure pump output matches requirements.





Remote start/stop pendants

Start/stop control pendantAs the name suggests, remote start/stop pendants are used to control the pump’s start and stop. Having accessibility to this function remotely allows you to control the pump’s abilities from a distance, without having to be right next to the pump to turn it off or on.





Wine pump on trolleyInstalling your pump on a trolley is an ideal solution, allowing your pump to be mobile. Where they are sometimes fixed, a trolley allows you to have the flexibility to move the pump around site - catering for more applications. There are many options available, such as wheel-barrow style, sack-truck-style or with four-wheels.




Sanitary fittings and valves

Sanitary fittings and valves for wine pumpsWhen it comes to ensuring the integrity of your pump, there are a wide range of sanitary fittings and valves suitable for food and beverage applications. It is critical that any fittings are safe, reliable, efficient, and hygienic, ensuring the careful handling of your product. Global Pumps recommend that stainless steel 316 materials are used.




Considering a new pump? Maybe you are not sure where to start? Or you are not exactly sure what accessories would best suit your application? Speak with one of our Wine experts. With over forty years’ experience working with local and national wineries, we have the solution for your tough challenge.

Tags: Food & beverage, Wine pumps


Guide to Selecting the Best Pump

If you need some guidance on how to select the right pump then you’re not alone! There’s such a wide range of pumps in Australia, from centrifugal pumps to hose pumps to diaphragm pumps. The options available to you can make it a difficult choice, so we’ve created this special guide to help step you through the process of selecting the ideal pump for your requirements.


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