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Benefits of using a SlurryPro

The SlurryPro pump is designed for continuous pumping of highly abrasive, high-density slurries with minimal maintenance requirements. The SlurryPro offers a wide range of benefits and is available in two ranges of centrifugal slurry pumps, the standard series of heavy-duty pumps and the diamond series of super duty pumps. Critical dimensions are interchangeable with other common centrifugal slurry pump designs, making it easy to upgrade basic centrifugal pumps to a SlurryPro.


So what makes SlurryPro pumps different?

The SlurryPro is designed with a customer-centric focus in mind and has transformed the end-user experience. Not only are these pumps designed for use in the heaviest duty applications, but they are also widely used in sand washing and recycling applications, and specialist areas including mill discharge, process plant, tailings applications and other abrasive processes.

SlurryPro pumps are produced in a world-class manufacturing facility and are well ahead of customer demands thanks to special 3D modelling and software testing. These pumps are also lined with a unique elastomeric compound that has more effective wear-resistance properties than rubber.

Features and Benefits:

The range of Global Pumps’ centrifugal SlurryPro pumps are best suited to industries such as the mining industry, quarries and general application.

SlurryPro pumps provide superior wear life, reduced lifetime cost and ease of ongoing maintenance. Now available in an extensive range of 240 V to 1000 V slurry pumps, they are suitable for a broad scope of needs.
The pumps have a range of interchangeable parts, enabling easy repairs by replacing only wearing parts with a significant decrease in price compared to a full replacement.

The SlurryPro slurry pump is available in horizontal or vertical configuration, in a wide range of sizes.

  • The horizontal series offers a complete range of sizes and materials. The components are available in a range of elastomer and hard metal materials suitable for maximum abrasion and corrosion resistance. The cartridge-type bearing assembly is completely removable, promoting easy on-site maintenance.
  • The vertical series feature cantilever shaft designs and are ideal for corrosive coarse particles and high concentrations of slurry that are widely used in the mining and coal industries. They are also suitable to heavy slurry wash down and spill applications.
Extensive other features and benefits include:
  • rubber and metal lined pumps
  • flows up to 5,000 L/s
  •  heads up to 100 m
  •  removal cartridge-type bearing assembly
  • split casing for easy maintenance
  • oversize shaft and bearings for zero shaft deflection
  • moulded impeller for stronger wear resistance
  • range of different high-tech sealing systems
  • liners available in different materials for greater chemical resistance
  • interchangeable wearing parts with the majority of other slurry pump brands
  • low maintenance costs
  • extensive range of spare parts

The SlurryPro Pumps offer extensive benefits for any application. Here at Global Pumps, we understand that reducing downtime relies on constant and cost-effective part availabilities. We offer superior wear life, a reduced lifetime cost and easy maintenance. If you’re looking for an experience like no other, contact our pump experts for advice today.


Tags: SlurryPro, Slurry pumps, Mining


Guide to Selecting the Best Pump

If you need some guidance on how to select the right pump then you’re not alone! There’s such a wide range of pumps in Australia, from centrifugal pumps to hose pumps to diaphragm pumps. The options available to you can make it a difficult choice, so we’ve created this special guide to help step you through the process of selecting the ideal pump for your requirements.


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