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What type of pump curves are there?

Pump curves fall into several categories and can represent different aspects of the pump’s performance. The most common types of pump curves include: pump family selection, the manufacturer’s published curve, certified pump curve and system curve.


In this blog, our team discuss each type of pump curve and how they will impact your selection process.


Pump family selection chart

This chart showcases the performance of each pump size in that pump’s product range / family.

21-044-GP-DIGi-What-type-of-pump-curves-are-there_SS-curves-FAAbove: SlurryPro slurry pump curves

The size (flow rate and total head) ranges from low to high. For some pumps, their performance may overlap with other sizes within the range.

In the example above, the SlurryPro range of slurry pumps are depicted on one chart - allowing you to quickly determine which model is suitable for your site’s requirements. These ‘pump family selection charts’ are useful when you’ve determined which ‘style’ of pump you’re after, but are unsure which particular pump size is suitable for your site.

Once you have selected from this series chart, you can review the manufacturer’s published curves for the short-listed pump sizes.


Pump manufacturer’s pump curve

Individual pump performance can be viewed on a chart as per below.

353PW-curve-FAAbove: Techniflo Magnetic Drive Pump, 353PW

This curve represents the performance of a Techniflo Magnetic Drive Pump, 353PW. From this published curve, we can determine the efficiency at the flow rate L/min and head (m). In most instances, these curves are published for pumping water. Therefore, if a liquid other than water will be pumped, power information must be adjusted for the specific gravity of the pumping fluid.

Some pump manufacturers or suppliers can provide a pump curve specific to the specific gravity of the pumped fluid to ensure pump selection is accurate.


Certified pump curve

A certified performance curve is a specifically designed and supplied following the purchase of the pump. Unlike the published pump curve, this curve is designed for the pump supplied under your purchase order.

The test is generally performed by the pump manufacturer, in accordance with the pump’s specified test standard. It includes the actual points that were tested and specifics of the pump being supplied.


System curve

A system curve identifies the pressure required to move the fluid through a system at various flow rates. This helps you to determine where the pump curve and the system curve will intersect.


Update your knowledge on pump curves

If you are looking for information on how to read a pump curve, our Global Pumps team have put together this handy video about AOD pump curves... 


Do you need advice or help selecting a pump for your site? Not sure where to start or what the pump curve is reading? Get in touch with Global Pumps today to discuss your site’s requirements and best practice for your industry.

Tags: Selection, Troubleshooting


Guide to Selecting the Best Pump

If you need some guidance on how to select the right pump then you’re not alone! There’s such a wide range of pumps in Australia, from centrifugal pumps to hose pumps to diaphragm pumps. The options available to you can make it a difficult choice, so we’ve created this special guide to help step you through the process of selecting the ideal pump for your requirements.


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